by | Dec 2, 2020 | Blog

I’m writing this on Thanksgiving Eve, though you will probably be seeing it a bit later. As I prepare for tomorrow’s festivities, I have been reflecting on the past year. 

2020 has been a challenge for us all. I won’t dwell too long on what is a long, exhausting subject, but to many, this year will go down as one of the worst. 

Yet, as I reflect back over the year, the challenges and losses are not what sticks out in my memory. Instead, I think of the resilience and strength of my friends, coworkers, and family. Without their support, this year would have been truly impossible. 

While I am neither the first nor last to suggest gratitude around Thanksgiving, I think we all should give a double portion this year. After all, gratitude changes attitude.

I have relied more than ever on those around me this year. I would have been lost without the support of my friends and family. I also would have never overcome the challenges this year has brought to our business. 

Many of our readers are small business owners themselves, and I hope you also recognize the contributions and support of those around you. Operating a business of any kind is a daily challenge, and it’s impossible to achieve success without cooperation.

If there is one lesson I will take from 2020, it’s this: never leave a kindness unthanked. Gratitude is both free to give and invaluable to receive. 

If you are a business owner, take a moment to thank your team for their efforts. You never know who went the extra mile without you even knowing. Thank them for their talents, their hard work and commitment. Without your team, you don’t have a business. 

Also, thank your customers. The definition of a business is having a customer. Without their patronage, your growth and success would not be possible. Thank those who remained loyal even in the face of tremendous uncertainty. Thank those who became new customers amidst that uncertainty. 

2020 may be a year of hardship, but it has also been a year of extraordinary kindness, compassion, and endurance. We are stronger together, and this year has demonstrated that fact. 

While I’m on the subject, I also want to thank you. You may or may not be a Sales Arbiter client, but regardless I am grateful you are taking the time to read my writing. I hope the advice and experience shared through our blog is a valuable resource. 

As you dig into a Thanksgiving feast tomorrow or look forward to the next spread, I wish you good health and cheer. Stay safe this holiday, and let’s all work to leave 2020 on a good note. 

Now it’s time for me to sign off. After all, I have a turkey to season.

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